28-30 Nov 2022 Saint Martin d'Hères (France)


This is the first annual meeting of the CNRS Groupement de recherche “Interaction, Désordre, Elasticité” (GDR IDE), officially started in 2022.

It will cover 4 topics of the GDR, one per half-day, with long and short talks, as well as poster sessions:

  • Amorphous vs. crystalline plasticity
  • Disorder in quantum systems
  • Interfaces (disordered, biological, active etc.)
  • Rheology in active and soft matter

Upon registration, participants may submit abstracts for contributed talks, and early-career researchers in particular are strongly encouraged to do so.

Registration is free but mandatory with a deadline on November 1st, 2022 (on a first-come-first-served basis within the limit of available seats).

For more information on the 2022 GDRs in Physics, see Les GDR de l'INP en 2022 (français) / INP GDR in 2022 (english). Registration to the GDR IDE mailing list here.


The meeting will take place in Grenoble, in the IMAG auditorium on the campus St-Martin-d’Hères of the Université Grenoble-Alpes, from Monday November 28 (afternoon) until Wednesday November 30 (morning).

Participants are thus expected to arrive in Grenoble on Monday morning, and to leave on Wednesday afternoon.



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